Treatments for Acne Scarring
When you suffer from Acne Scarring it affects your skin and it can make you feel very self conscious about your appearance. Here at The Serenity Room Aesthetics and Beauty Salon we have a range of treatments for both men and women that can help you look more radiant, rejuvenate your skin and help reduce blemishes and the appearance of scarring and smooth the skin texture, improving radiance and restoring skin health making you feel more comfortable and confident in your own skin.

Acne scar before dermaplaning


dermaplaning acne scar before and after

microdermabrasion on acne scarring
Dermaplaning can give you temporary relief from acne scarring. When facial hair is removed there is nowhere for oil and dirt to cling to, so less chance of bacteria growing and the skin becoming infected and/or inflamed.
This facial can be carried out on acne-prone skin. Any areas where the acne is active and pustular can be worked around. It is important that acne skin has a good home-care regime and that any sebum is removed before it has time to build up on the skin. Sebum is the skin’s worst enemy!
Chemical Peel

acne scarring with chemical peel

acne scar chemical peel

acne treatment

chemical peel acne treatment
The Chemical Peel & Mask treatment is the one favoured by acne sufferers as this exfoliates, kills existing bacteria and hydrates. Chemical peels have been around for a long time for good reason—they work.
See how a pro peel could heal your skin woes, from acne, acne scarring and uneven skin tone to melasma and fine lines and wrinkles. Chemical peels work by exfoliating the skin’s surface to reduce the appearance of blemishes, smooth skin texture, improve radiance, and restore skin health. These effective treatments can be performed on the face, neck, chest, hands, arms, or legs. They are most effective at enhancing cell turnover and improving the appearance on the surface of the skin. We only use the very best quality products available from Cliniccare one of the world´s top professional skin care suppliers.


dermaplaning acne scar

dermaplaning acne scar before and after

As if acne isn’t frustrating enough, sometimes you might have to deal with scars that pimples can leave behind. Acne scars can develop from cystic acne or from picking at your skin. Like other types of scars, those from acne can last for several months or even years.
If you’ve tried over-the-counter products to no avail, you might consider microneedling to get rid of your acne scars. Also called skin needling or dermarolling, this procedure is done to treat a variety of skin care concerns, including scars and wrinkles. It may also help with acne scars and clinical studies have shown overall positive results.
Curious about microneedling for acne scars? Read on to learn more about the procedure.
As the name suggests, microneedling uses fine needles that prick your skin. During the skin-pricking process, your skin produces more collagen in an effort to heal the small wounds from the needles.
The theory is that new collagen that’s formed will help smooth out your skin’s appearance, helping to fill in fine lines, wrinkles, and scars. To that end, skin needling may be used for:
burn scars
acne scars
surgical scars
sun damage
stretch marks
sagging skin
large pores
hair loss
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, microneedling works best for depressed — not raised — acne scars. This has to do with the collagen-inducing effects. If you have raised acne scars, you already have excess collagen in the area.
Some studies have also noted that the effects of skin needling on acne scars are even better when the treatments are combined with vitamin C or PRP.
Unlike other minimally invasive skin corrective treatments, such as laser therapy, microneedling is considered safe for darker skin tones. This is because it doesn’t damage or remove the outer layer of skin. Microneedling is also considered safe for thin and sensitive skin as well.
For the best results on Acne scarring we recommend using a combination of treatments the dermaplaning first to clear away the hair so there is nowhere for oil and dirt to cling to, so less chance of bacteria growing and the skin becoming infected and/or inflamed. Followed by the chemical peel to exfoliate and kill existing bacteria and to hydrate the skin. Leaving your skin looking rejuvenated and less inflamed. Then the Microneedling
to form new collagen that will help smooth out your skin’s appearance, helping to fill in fine lines, wrinkles, and scars as your skin produces more collagen in an effort to heal the small wounds from the needles.
Call today for more information or to book your treatment, and remember at The Serenity Room Aesthetics and Beauty Salon the service we provide is truly All About You.